How to Deal with your First DUI

Have you been charged with your first DUI? If you find yourself consumed with feelings of fear or confusion stemming from your recent arrest, you’re not alone.

Hundreds of people were arrested for DUI in Arizona during 2015, a trend that has not slowed well into the new year. Should you ever find yourself accused of driving under the influence, it’s essential you know what legal options are available to you.

Avoiding Arizona DUI

The first thing to keep in mind is your composure. Whether you have alcohol in your system or not, being pulled over by an officer of the law can be a frightening experience. Take a deep breath and remain calm, don’t allow your anxiety to work against you.

woman being pulled over for Arizona DUINever say anything that could potentially incriminate you. While police officers have an important role in keeping the road safe, they often use their experience to elicit information that can damage your case in court.

Be respectful of the questions asked by the officer but know you’re not legally required to answer them. Politely decline to answer anything that would confirm the officer’s suspicion that you’re driving under the influence.

Under no circumstance should you consent to a field sobriety test. Many people suspected of a DUI don’t understand that such tests are optional. Even if you’re confident you’ll pass, common breathalyzers are notoriously inaccurate and their results can be utilized in court to incriminate you. You should only comply with a legally required blood alcohol test typically taken at the police station.

Record the details of your arrest as soon as possible. You want to ensure any information that be used to defend your innocence can be referred to at a later time. Even the tiniest details might make the difference between a not guilty verdict and a jail sentence.

Finally, contact an experienced DUI attorney. Even if you’re convinced your innocence is clear cut, consulting with a professional ensures you choose the appropriate course of action to avoid the stiff penalties associated with an Arizona DUI — the most severe in the nation.

Don’t hesitate — contact our law firm now to discuss the details of your case.